Soqotri Lexicon
ˁóṣid (yoˁoṣídin/ľiˁáṣad)
basic morphological information
v. (II)
1. to stir vehemently, to rub into porridge (grains of wheat or barley); 2. to lead into trouble
размешивать, растирать (вареные зерна); привести к неприятностям
حرّك، خلط، هرس؛ سبّب متاعب
LS 321; CSOL III; Naumkin et al. 2022:258, with fn. 16
размешивать, растирать (вареные зерна); привести к неприятностям
حرّك، خلط، هرس؛ سبّب متاعب
text examples
1. ḷaḷ ḳóudor bámbeʰ wa-šeˁér yaˁágob máˁṣad di-ˁáḷho kor ˁeṣéden beʸh waḷ yenˁákšam ‘When millet or barley is сooked, a good stirring stick is needed so that it (the porridge) becomes well stirred and gets no clumps’ (field notes)
morphological notes
pass. ˁéṣad (yeˁeṣéden/ľiˁóṣod)
semantic notes
For the meaning 2 cf. Eng. ‘to stir up trouble’
- máˁṣad stick for stirring, ladle