máˁṣad (du. maˁṣádi, pl. máˁṣod)
basic morphological information

n. (m.)

stick for stirring, ladle
палка для перемешивания содержимого кастрюли или котла, поварешка
عود يستخدم للتحريك والهرس
Naumkin et al. 2022:258
text examples

a. édofk ḷe-máˁṣad wa-térhork toyʰ beyʰ wa-ˀébraḥ beyʰ be-gέhɛ ‘I seized a ladle and hurled it against him, and it hit his chest’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:258)

b. ḷaḷ ḳóudor bámbeʰ wa-šeˁér yaˁágob máˁṣad di-ˁáḷho kor ˁeṣéden beʸh waḷ yenˁákšam 
‘When millet or barley is сooked, a good stirring stick is needed so that it (the porridge) becomes well stirred and gets no clumps’ (field notes)

  • ˁóṣid to stir vehemently, to rub into porridge (grains of wheat or barley)