Soqotri Lexicon
éḳḷem (yeḳáḷom/ľáḳḷɛm)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. égaḥk ḷe-bᵉˁer ˁaf tóˀo éraḥk dέfɛʰ di-ḳáˁyhɛr éḳlomk heʸh kor yetód wa-yenózek di-fóne di-ḳáˁyhɛr ‘I rode a camel, but when I reached the village I made it stand so that it would stop and turn towards the village’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:250)
semantic notes
‘To make someone (e-) stand)’ (a).
The semantic shift from (Ia) ḳéḷom ‘to jump’ is probably via the meaning ‘to make jump up, to make stand up quickly’.
- ḳéḷom to jump, to spring
- meḳľímoʰ jump
- ḳotéḷem or ḳatéḷɛm 1. to jump together; 2. to jump many times; 3. to go, betake oneself, proceed