v. (I)
доставаться (кому-либо)
وصله جزء من شيء
a. ébaˁ ḥe ḥíghɛḷ di-tímhɛr ‘An enclosure of several palm-trees was allotted to me’ (field notes)
b. gédeḥ tho méʸhen ṣarbáṭyhon wa-hóhon ḥa še šeráb be-débbeʰ ˁeŝk wa-kork diˀáḷ šeráb kor yeˀábaˁ ˁéʸhen men kέˀte ḳľas ‘A group of youngsters came to me, and I had there a drink in a can. I got up and took some water, and added it to the drink so that it would be enough for a glass for each of them’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:273)
c. méḷaṭk ˁániʰ di-ˀóˀoz tóˀo éraḥk ḥánžeher aḷ-šémḷeṭ mesέb aḷ-ˀébaˁ ˁeʸh rímid ḷe-ḥánžeher ‘I was plucking the hair from a goat hide which was to be made into a water-skin, but when I reached the neck, it could not be plucked because the ash was not enough to reach it’ (Naumkin et al. 2016b:74)
perfect 3 sg. m. ébaˁ (Ib), but perfect 3 sg. f. ebóˁoʰ (Ia)
‘To be allotted to somebody (ḷe-)’ (a, b)
‘To be enough for somebody (ḷe-)’ (b, c)
- έbiˁ or óbiˁ to distribute, to apportion
No etymology detected.