ˁö́ḳar (yaˁáḳor/ľaˁḳór)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ib)

to be big, to grow
быть большим, расти
LS 324–325; CSOL I 490; CSOL II 407; Naumkin et al. 2015a:60
الأمثلة النصية

a. di-ke-bóde ˁúmor tóˀo maˁríḳoʰ wa-ḷaṭ ḥewéḷen móṣfin ˁeʸh be-ḳaʰ di-ˁíẓ̂oʰ ˁaf ľaˁḳór wa-ľákɛn mórkit ‘In the beginning it is like a small ring; then around it are wound more and more circles (of plaited thread) fastened together with a strong cord until the whole widens into a trampling mat’ (CSOL II 10:11)

b. wa-tóˀo ˁö́ḳar ˁégeb ľibˁóḷ ‘When he grew up, he wanted to marry’ (CSOL I 6:5)

c. ˁeḳároʰ enṭen ˁan edbíboʰ ‘It (the botfly) is a bit bigger than a fly’ (CSOL I 30:1)

d. ˁö́ḳar énṭen ˁan šímeʰ aḷḷáhumma šímeʰ ṭenéneʰ énṭen ‘It (sand called taḥk) is a bit coarser than šímeʰ, while šímeʰ is softer’ (CSOL II 10:3)

الملاحظات الصرفية

perfect 3 sg. f. ˁeḳároʰ (presumably with the phonologically conditioned change i > e)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To grow up, to become adult’ (b)

‘To be bigger than somebody/something (ˁan)’ (c)

‘To be coarse (said of granular materials)’ (d)

ملاحظات أخرى

di-ˁö́ḳar ‘big’:

ḳö́ṣafk ẓ̂áˀed di-ˁeḳároʰ ‘I felled a big Ziziphus tree’ (CSOL I 9:5)

di-ˁö́ḳar ‘elder’:

gédaḥ ˁouyέghɛn deʰ di-ˁö́ḳar ‘The elder boy came’ (CSOL I 6:38)

االشتياق اللغوي

From Proto-MSA *ˁḳr ‘to grow’, further etymology uncertain.

اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة