Soqotri Lexicon
ḳášḷaḷ (du. ḳašḷáḷi, pl. ḳašḷéḷhon, f. ḳášľeľ, du. ḳašľíľi, pl. ḳašóľhiľ)
text examples
a. deš férhim di-boḳ ḳášľeľ ‘This girl is talľ (field notes)
semantic notes
The adjective is often used elliptically in the sg. f. form (from óben ḳášľeľ, lit. ‘a long stone’), with the meaning ‘boulder’:
ˁouyέghɛn fö́ṭaḷ díˀʸheʰ ˁáḷeʰ tóˀo béḷog nhɔfš di-ˁíṣ̌eʰ wa-be-ḳáneʰ di-ˁíṣ̌eʰ ḳášľeľ ‘A boy broke his tooth when he jumped into a pond, and there was a boulder in the pond’ (CSOL II 6:17)