المعجم السقطري
entóuḥo (*yéntaḥ or yentáḥan/ľintáḥ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. wa-ˁö́mor sáṭahan e-ˀíľyhe aḫdám nokéˁen énhi ˁággi díki di-ˀentóuḥo ḷe-tímhɛr iľ-be-meṭárhɛn di-tebáḷhen ‘The sultan said to his servants: “Bring in the two men disputing over those palms in the valley of so-and-so!”’ (CSOL I 27:18)
b. entáḥki ho wa-ṭad be-ḳíṭˁaʰ di-ˀarẓ̂ gedáḥki diˀáḷ ṭad men mešáyeḫ kor yáḥkum ˁéyki wa-tóˀo ḥkem ˁag ˁéyki éḷze énṭen di-fɔ́ne fe ‘I had quarrel over a parcel of land with someone, and we went to a sheikh to ask him to resolve our case. When the sheikh pronounced his decision, he was slightly inclined in my favor’ (CSOL I 18:31)
الملاحظات الصرفية
The verb is not used in the singular. The 3 pl. m. forms are énteḥ (yentéḥen/ľintéḥ), the 3 pl. f. forms are éntaḥ (tentáḥnen/tentáḥan).
ملاحظات أخرى
‘To quarrel over something (ḷe-)’ (a)
االشتياق اللغوي
Proto-MSA *nwḥ to fight (reflexive stem)