Soqotri Lexicon
érḳeṣ (du. erḳíṣi, pl. érḳaṣ)
basic morphological information
n. (m.)
сосок (животного)
ضَرْع الحيونات التي لها زوجان من الضروع
LS 407; CSOL II 567; Morris 2022:312
сосок (животного)
ضَرْع الحيونات التي لها زوجان من الضروع
text examples
a. ṭif ḥe trɔ erḳíṣi ḷeḳsέm heš íľľiˀiʰ embóryeʰ ‘Give me two of your teats so that I may suckle your children for you’ (CSOL II 22:4)
b. zéˁe éľľehe díˀseʰ arbáˁaʰ érḳaṣ wa-ˀéṣbaḥat tέˀɛʰ wa-ˀéṣbaḥat trɔ bes áṭbi wa-ˀéľľehe eṣbóḥoʰ bes arbáˁaʰ ‘And the cow took her four teats. So the sheep remained with two teats, and the cow got four teats’ (CSOL II 22:8)
semantic notes
The word is used to describe a teat of four-teated animals as opposed to áˀaṭab that describes a teat of two-teated animals (Morris 2022:312). Cf. CSOL II, text 22.