n. (m.)
кустарник (Lycium sokotranum)
نوع من أنواع الشجيرات
a. men báˁad ḥaʰ báraḥ di-Mégdob wa-teḥodírin ḷe-nhɔfk síˀirhin di-birhéten be-térbak wa-tóˀo tenkáˁk bíľeʰ di-gedóḥotk aḷ-taˁŝɛ́ díˀɛʰ men sɛk ‘Then go down to Megdob and put sohor-branches atop the wall of your pen. Now if something will come to you, do not descend from the roof’ (CSOL I 8:19)
b. tóˀo ṣibóḥoʰ ˁeḳáḷoʰ ḷe-tɛr díˀseʰ di-ḳáˁar sóˀhor di-birhéten ‘When it was morning, she placed some branches of the sóˀhor di-birhéten tree at the door of her house’ (CSOL II 25:4)
sóˀhor di-birhéten ‘s. of the pregnant women’ (a, b).
“The variety mentioned in our text is called sóˀhor di-birhéten ‘s. of the women in labor’ (sg. bíreʰ). According to our informants, in former times a woman in labor who found herself alone in a deserted place would look for this tree in order to give birth under it, because it had protective properties against evil beings who otherwise might carry the child away. One wonders whether a similar magical context might be behind Diheko’s advice in our story” (CSOL I 8:19)