Soqotri Lexicon
(3 sg. f.) ṣibóḥoʰ (teṣábaḥ/teṣbáḥ)
basic morphological information
v. (Ib)
it is morning
наступило утро
أصبح الصباح
LS 344; CSOL I 648; CSOL II 580; Naumkin et al. 2015a:84
наступило утро
أصبح الصباح
text examples
keʰ ṣibóḥoʰ šérḳaḥk gédaḥk mey ˁággi ‘At sunrise I came out and went to the men’ (CSOL I 16:22)
semantic notes
The verb is used impersonally. Only feminine forms are employed.