ŝófeḳ (pl. m. ŝfiyaḳ, f. ŝfáḳeʰ, pl. f. ŝfaḳhéten)
базовые морфологические сведения


1. well-shaped (a new-born child or animal); 2. clever, intelligent, eloquent
доношенный (о новорожденном); умный
جنين متشكل جيدا، طفل مولود في أوانه الطبيعي؛ ذكيّ
CSOL I 665; CSOL II 597; Morris 2022:313
текстовые примеры

1. bíľeʰ di-ˁöwégen wa-yešráḳaḥ men mɛr wa-ʸheʰ ŝófeḳ yeṣáˁaḳ tóˀo mébrehe ḷaḷ yebóurɛ yeṣáˁaḳ ‘Every creature, when it is born and goes out of the womb - and it is in good state - it screams: when a baby is born, he screams’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:271)


a. ɛ ken sóˀoʰ fɔ́ne deš ˁážeʰ di-boḳ έmhɛs ŝfáḳeʰ ‘Oh, her mother before was indeed very clever’ (CSOL II 30:13)

b. si fɔ́ne íˀifk ŝófeḳ díˀʸheʰ be-déroʰ ‘Your father was in his time a true master of eloquent speech’ (CSOL II 30:13)

c. gédaḥ tan ˁag ŝófeḳ di-ˀaḷ-méˀzɛz wa-tóˁod heʸh ľíšin ‘An eloquent man came to us, who was not shy, and had an agile tongue’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:270)

  • ŝéfaḳ to be well-formed, well-developed (about a new-born child or animal); to be clever, intelligent
  • ŝfᵉḳan bringing one’s gestation to its complete term
  • ŝfᵒḳoʰ cleverness, intelligence