Сокотрийский словарь
éẓ̂be (yeẓ̂ábi/ľóẓ̂ib)
текстовые примеры
éẓ̂bɛyk toš kor aḷ-temtéḥin wa-ˀaḷ-terzíḥ ‘I left you (f. sg.) alone so you wouldn’t toil and tire’ (CSOL II 13:24)
прочие примечания
ẓ̂ábi ‘leave it! it is all right! let!’
Probably related to Gez. ṣabˀa ‘to cease, to disappear, to be left, omitted’, suggesting a non-etymological ṣ in the accepted Geez orthography. Of interest is, further, Arb. ḍbˀ ‘to cleave to the ground, to hide, to conceal oneself’. This comparison would imply that the Soqotri verb (stem IV) is a causative transformation of a meaning like “to be left, abandoned”. Certainly no connection to PS *ṣby ‘to wish’ (contra LS 359), unsuitable both phonologically and semantically.