maẓ̂féroʰ (du. maẓ̂feróti, pl. maẓ̂feréten)
basic morphological information

n. (f.)

a row of stones in a wall
ряд камней в стене
صفّ الأحجار في بناء السور
LS 364; CSOL II 533
text examples

fɔ́ne be-zemán benö́we ṭaʰ ẓ̂afóri wa-ˁímɛr heʸh ḳaṣ wa-ˁímɛr heʸh tri maẓ̂feróti ṭeʸh men fέne wa-ṭeʸh men ḥérhen ‘In former times they used to build this way, with two rows of stones for each wall, and a mixture of clay and water put between them; so two rows of stones, one in front and one behind’ (CSOL II 27:24)


From PWS *ṣ̂pr ‘to plait’.

continental MSA