ẓ̂áḥak (yeẓ̂óḥok/ľiẓ̂ḥók)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (I)

to laugh
LS 361; CSOL I 699; CSOL II 634
الأمثلة النصية

yaˁámer nhɔfš ˁeḷhéten wa-ḷaṭ yeẓ̂óḥok wa-yéte súwa ‘He makes for himself teeth (prosthetic denture, after his natural teeth fell out), and then he can laugh and eat normally’ (field notes)

الملاحظات الصرفية

v. n. éẓ̂ḥek

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To laugh at somebody (men)’:

ẓ̂áḥak ˁag meʸh ˁö́mor bíŝi óˀorem di-siyarát di-Mekáľľa ‘The man laughed at him. He said: “You can’t get to Mukalla by car from here!”’ (CSOL I 15:7)

‘To mock, to make fun of somebody (e-)’:

wa-ˀaḷ-teẓ̂ḥók hek di-ṣaḥṣáḥan ‘May one with beads not scoff at you.’ (CSOL I 20:6)

االشتياق اللغوي

From PWS *ṣ̂ḥk/ṣ̂ḥḳ ‘to laugh’.

اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة