ẓ̂aḷ (yéẓ̂ẓ̂oḷ/ľiẓ̂ẓ̂áḷ or ľiẓ̂ẓ̂óḷ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ia)

to be out of order
выходить из строя, быть не в порядке
LS 362; CSOL I 700; CSOL II 634
الأمثلة النصية

zómiľk díˀʸho ḷe-bᵉˁer wa-táḳifk méḳṭaf di-méḷokk ˁeʸh di-fɔ́ne wa-dɛg ẓ̂aḷ ‘I was loading up my camel. I arranged well that side of the load facing me, the one in front of me; but the other side went wrong’ (CSOL I 18:43)

االشتياق اللغوي

With Leslau (LS 362), evidently related to Arb. ḍll ‘to err, to go astray, to deviate’ and, perhaps, an early borrowing from it. Note that the cognate verbs in the continental MSA (perhaps also Arabisms) do not quite coincide in meaning either with Soqotri or between them: Mhr. ẓ̂el ‘to disappear, to go away’, Jib. eẓ̂lél ‘to feel a great pain and be unable to sleep because of it’. For the meaning ‘to be ill, to feel pain’ cf. also Sab. ṣ̂ll ‘to fall sick’.