ẓ̂ef (yeẓ̂éfen/ľiẓ̂έf)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (II)

1. to arrange a wedding or a circumcision feast; 2. to slaughter animals for a feast’
1. устраивать свадьбу или празднование по случаю обрезания; 2. закалывать животных для пира
عمل وليمة العرس
LS 361; CSOL I 701; CSOL II 635
текстовые примеры


a. tóˀo šḥᵃme be-ˁážeʰ wa-ẓ̂ef ḷe-nhɔfš wa-téte ẓ̂ayɛ́fɛʰ ľáyľat ad-duḫúľ gedéḥeʸh ḳábeẓ̂ aľ-arwáḥ ‘When he asked for the woman’s hand, he arranged for himself a wedding feast. And when the feast was over, on the wedding night, the angel of death came to him.’ (CSOL I 25:36)

b. wa-ʸheʰ áˁber ˁeʸh díˀʸheʰ férhim wa-ẓ̂óuwɛf ˁes férhim ‘And he handed his daughter over to him, and a wedding feast was made for his daughter.’ (CSOL II 1:102)


a. wa-ˁímɛr ˁeʸh ẓ̂ayɛ́fɛʰ wa-ẓ̂óuwɛf ˁeʸh máḥber wa-ˁáŝeri ‘And a circumcision feast was arranged for him, and 120 goats were slaughtered for him.’ (CSOL I 24:32)
b. wa-ẓ̂ef ŝíbɛb ḷe-díˀʸheʰ ˁouyéghon men mɛľ di-ˁouyɛ́ghɛn fáḥre wa-ˁouyɛ́ghɛn yéṣtet wa-ˀaḷ-gésor ľišɛ́mtɛḷ ‘Then the old man made a feast for his sons using all the livestock from the boy’s inheritance, and the boy watched this but could not say a word.’ (CSOL I 28:14)


морфологические примечания

pass. ẓ̂óuwɛf (yeẓ̂ewéfen/ľiẓ̂óf

семантические примечания

‘To arrange a feast for someone (ḷe-)’ (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b).

‘To arrange a feast, slaughtering animals (men)’ (2b).
