v. (Ia)
1. засыпать землей, закапывать; 2. помещать что-либо внутрь, вводить, вносить
a. kések ˁážeʰ tekódem ḷe-menfέyreher di-ˁážeʰ di-bíreʰ ‘I found a woman burying the placenta of another woman who had given birth’ (CSOL I 8:19, fn. 2)
b. erḳóḥoʰ díˀseʰ bíššoḷ wa-kedέmoʰ ˁéʸhen tóˀo ˁö́mor hes éṣfɛr ‘Then she took off her clothes and buried them as the birds had told her’ (CSOL II 20:35)
a. ṭérodk médkor féryhɛ wa-kédomk tóʸhen di-ḥor kor ezaˁáʸhen ḥadíboʰ wa-ˀeŝóˀom ‘I herded a few billy goats together and put them in an enclosure to take them to Hadibo for sale’ (CSOL II 13:20)
b. wa-tɔ́mer kótiľk ˁeʸh ḫímeʰ wa-ˀeḳníyoʰ kédomk tos di-ḳáneʰ di-šánṭaʰ ‘As for the dates, I wrapped them in a tent, and I put the food into a bag’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:283)
‘To cover something (ḷe-)’ (1a, 1b)
‘To put cattle to an enclosure’ (2a)
- kotédɛm to be covered, buried, destroyed
Сlearly related to Jib. kɔ́tdem ‘to become rounded into a hillock (earth)’. Further etymology unknown (Naumkin et al. 2015b:51).