ri (du. ríˀi, pl. érˀeš)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

1. head; 2. top, upper part
голова; вершина, верхняя часть
LS 390; CSOL I 631; CSOL II 559; Naumkin et al. 2015a:81
الأمثلة النصية

1. ḳáḷaˁ tho ˁag be-ˀóben wa-hέmen toˀóte tho di-ri ‘A man hurled a stone at me, and it nearly hit my head.’ (CSOL II 30:18)


a. tóˀo éraḥk ri di-ŝégreʰ éḳdomk gáḥi di-ˀö́fog ‘When I reached the top of the mountain pass I saw a wadi full of water.’ (CSOL I 26:80)

b. ḳóuṣaf men ri wa-men ľéḥe ‘And it is cut from above and from below.’ (CSOL I 18:4

c. rékotk tɔ́mer ˁaf yešráḳaḥ ḷe-ri di-mórket ‘I trampled the dates until the pulp flowed over the brim of the trampling mat.’ (CSOL I 21:5)

d. ḳeṣóˁoʰ šɔm ḷe-ri ‘The sun was high.’ (CSOL I 18:2)

ملاحظات أخرى

men ri ‘from above’: (2b).

ḷe-ri di- ‘above, over (something)’: (2c).

ḷe-ri ‘above at the utmost point, at the zenith’: (2d).

االشتياق اللغوي

From PS *raˀš- ‘head’.

اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة