kɔḷ (yíkaḷ/ľikáḷ or ľákaḷ)
basic morphological information

v. (I)

to know how, to be able to
уметь, мочь
LS 214; CSOL I 576; CSOL II 505
text examples

a. áḷaḥk men iˀḥíti kor tekóber énhi ber ho aḷ-kɔḷk ḷekbέr di-méľkok ‘I called my sister to wrap thread around the bobbin, as I didn’t know how to thread the bobbin which is in the machine’ (CSOL II 28:28)

b. aˀḥ dédo aḷ-kɔḷk ḷáṣbaḥ ‘Oh my uncle! I cannot look for the goats!’ (CSOL I 28:16)

c. tóˀo gédaḥk men aľ-yáman aḷ-kɔḷk be-ˀinternét wa-náˁaʰ kέrhe šeḳábitk énṭen ‘When I came from Yemen I did not know how to use the Internet, but only just now I’ve gotten the hang of it’ (CSOL I 7:1)

morphological notes

perfect 3 sg. f. kέḷoʰ

ľikáḷ and ľákaḷ coexist as jussive forms, the latter being borrowed from the paradigm of the causative stem (Naumkin et al. 2016a:53 with fn. 54)

semantic notes

‘To know how to do something (jussive)’ (a, b)

‘To know how to do something (be-)’ (c)

PWS *khl to be able
continental MSA