если не, если только, кроме
a. ˁö́mor kések ˁáfiyeʰ sᵉkɛ kaḷ tóˀo gédaḥk ebhɛyréroʰ nhɔfs ‘The first said: “I found it excellent! As soon as I arrived, she yielded herself”’ (CSOL I 1:21)
b. kerámmeʰ negáḥ díˀʸheʰ be-kéľmeʰ yeḷútaˁ suwáḥiľi wa-góuˀor mákon wa-kaḷ negáḥ yeḷútaˁ múgšem záḥi ‘If he fulfilled his vow, the Swahili would be killed and the Makon destroyed, but if not, the uncircumcised boy would be killed’ (CSOL I 2:5)
c. ˁámok e-ˁag díˀɛʰ ṣóde aḷ-ˀenṭéˁer ˁömor aḷ-ˀenṭéˁer aḷ-ˀenṭéˁer wa-kaḷ šéˀmonk ṭaˀéfen ‘I said to the one selling the fish: “Your fish, isn’t it a bit stale?” He said: “No, it’s not stale, it’s not stale! If you don’t believe me, touch it yourself!”’ (CSOL I 26:111)
d. wa-seʰ aḷ-ˁédoʰ tekóse rího men báˁad deš šɔm ḥoz di-sábaˁ énhor kaḷ maḷ deʰ di-ḳáŝˁer ṣóurof márraʰ tóˀo ḥámˀi ‘Now the woman, after that day she would not be able to get any water for seven more days, nothing other than what was in her water-skin: for water was as precious as ghee’ (CSOL I 7:7)
e. wa-šáˁayk di-ḥadíboʰ ˁímɛr énhi aḷ-ˁad bor kaḷ ke-ṭad wa-šáˁayk deʸh wa-kések ṭeʸh góniyeʰ di-biẓ̂ároʰ wa-ṣ̌eyyέroʰ wa-ḳóľibk tos ho ḷezˁá ˁam ho ḷeŝέr ‘I rushed to Hadibo and people told me there was no wheat except in one place. I rushed there and found just one sack, small and torn. I inspected it, wondering whether to take it or leave it’ (CSOL I 27:14)
f. wa-meʸh gad ḥiš kaḷ meʸh ṣúraʰ di-žiféˀeʰ ‘But body there was none, only an apparition, a shade’ (CSOL II 7:7)
g. tóˀo gédaḥk tos šémtoḷk tos wa-ˀaḷ-keḷóˀoʰ fe kaḷ ḳáṣḳeṣ be-ˀóˀoben di-ḥóʸhi ‘When I came to her, I tried to speak with her, but she wouldn’t answer me and just tapped the ground with a stone’ (CSOL I 28:5)
h. wa-ˁougénoʰ aḷ-ˁádoʰ ke-megɔ́še wa-ˀaḷ- naḥágoʰ šéʸhen wa-ˀaḷ-šenhéroʰ kaḷ teráˁa díˀseʰ tέten dέhɛr ‘But the girl did not go with any boys and did not play with any and did not sin in any way—she was busy with her sheep all the time’ (CSOL II 6:8)
i. wa-megɔ́še aḷ-yeṣóḷeb kaḷ óˀoz máˁḷeʰ wa-seʰ ˁiṭámoʰ waľľá óˀoz di-ḥóuḷob wa-škéroʰ ‘And the boys used to pick up any goat adored by the old man, a fatty one, or one with milk, a good one’ (CSOL II 8:7)
j. šímeʰ mes kɛn ḷébhon wa-ˀaḷ-kóusɛ kaḷ be-ṭaḥ di-rénhem ámma taḥk meʸh kɛn ˁáfer wa-ˀaḷ-kóusɛ béne kaḷ be-ˀegḥáyoʰ wa-yedέḷoḳ ḷaḷ teḷóse mέsɛ mesέb yegodíḥin ke-rího ‘šímeʰ—its color is white, and it can be found on the sea-shore only. As for taḥk, its color is red, and it is not easily found except in wadis. It becomes plentiful in rain, because it runs down with water’ (CSOL II 10:3)
k. wa-ḷaṭ ˁámok wówhed wówhed wówhed kaḷ íno ḥéyhe ‘Then I shouted: “wówhed! wówhed! wówhed!”—for perhaps there was somebody around’ (CSOL II 24:12j)
l. ŝínik ˁážeʰ ŝíbib wa-ˀeṣk tos kaḷ bes zédeg ‘I saw an old woman and was afraid she might be possessed by an evil spirit’ (CSOL I 6:45)
m. wa-ʸheʰ ber fɔ́ne raḥábhɛn reˀóuhen men ṭad ˁouyέghɛn kaḷ gedéḥeʸh id-ḥaʰ ‘For even before this, Rahabhan had been asked whether a certain boy had come there’ (CSOL II 30:16)
n. aḷ-stóref kaḷ keʰ te men šébdeʰ di-kobŝ ḥáher di-bíľeʰ aḷ-ḳéˁiš ‘She cannot recover unless she eats from the liver of a ram that’s black, without a trace of color’ (CSOL I 5:7)
o. aḷ-ˀéḳan heš kaḷ keʰ reẓ̂š énhi be-mertáˁšeʰ wa-ḫámseʰ éḳrɛf iľ-dheb ‘I won’t rear him for you unless you give me a golden necklace and five golden bracelets in return’ (CSOL II 24:12c)
p. ḷaḷ yéken šiš ḥéʸhe ṭad múgšem di-káˀʸheʰ yeˁogéˀenš díˀʸheʰ έˀɛfo wa-yeˀɛmérenš wa-yeˁóẓ̂en miš ‘When someone has only one child, his parents spoil him and treat him well and love him’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:75)
q. ksek bᵉˁer be-ḳáneʰ di-béstan sóˀod ḥe meŝróḥoʰ di-bέniʰ di-káˀseʰ be-ḳáneʰ di-béstan ‘I found a camel inside my palm grove who had eaten up a young bɛ́ni palm, the only one in the grove’ (CSOL II 15:15)
r. be-ḥay mek ˁed kaḷ ekóbki ‘I swear by your life that we will enter’ (CSOL II 20:53)
s. kaḷ tóˀo ľiṭmέ di-ṭími wáľľa ľaˁgób ľiḳdέr wáľľa ľaˁgób ľiṣáḷ yefóˀos ḷe-mέsɛ kor yeṭáreb yíken heʸh rího ‘Whenever somebody was thirsty, or wanted to cook, or wanted to pray, he would ask God for rain, that some water would come down to him’ (CSOL II 19:2)
‘If not’: (b, c).
‘Except’: (d, e).
‘But’: (f).
‘But rather’: (g).
‘Only (with negative verb)’: (h, i, j).
‘Maybe’: (k).
‘Whether not’: (l, m).
kaḷ keʰ ‘unless’: (n, o).
káˀʸheʰ ‘he alone’: (p).
káˀseʰ ‘she alone’: (q).
In an oath formula, kaḷ introduces a postive promissory oath (‘I swear I will surely do’): (r).
uncertain: (s).
- keʰ if; when