Soqotri Lexicon
ḥfor (yeḥófer/ľaḥfέr)
text examples
wa-keʰ kése yegóref ˁeʸh έˀɛfo kor yeḥófer ˁö́bhor ˁaf ľišέrḳaḥ rího wáľľa yeŝókem di-yeḥófer heʸh ˁö́bhor ˁaf ľišέrḳaḥ bes rího ‘When he finds (a plot), he invites people to help him dig a well until the water appears, or else he hires people to dig a well for him, until water appears in it’ (CSOL II 9:3)
morphological notes
pass. ḥⁱfɛr (yeḥóufor/ľiḥfór)
v. n. ḥófer