šḥᵃber (yešḥábor/ľišáḥbɛr)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (X)

to be informed about the death of a relative or a friend
получить известие о смерти родственника или друга
نُعِي إليه
LS 161; CSOL I 552
текстовые примеры

a. ˁámor óˀo fuľán ˁámok aḷ-šḥᵃbork ˁey ˁámor aḷ-šḥᵃbork mi ṣáme ‘He said: “Where is such and such?” I said: “Were you not informed about his death?” He said: “I was not informed. When did he die?”’ (field notes)

семантические примечания

‘To be informed about the death of a relative or a friend (ḷe-)’ (a) 
