ḥᵃber (yeḥábor/ľáḥbɛr)
basic morphological information

v. (IV)

to inform so. about the death of his parent
сообщить кому-л. о смерти его родителя
LS 161; CSOL I 552; CSOL II 473
text examples

a. iľ-be-ṭarέrhɛn meŝóriḥ aḥbέren ḥe ber ṣámik ‘Oh young palms in Tarerhen, make it known to the people that I am dead’ (CSOL I 27:14)

b. ésaˁk ˁag wa-ḥᵃber tho be-fuľán ‘I met a man, and he informed me about the death of such and such’ (Bulakh 2024:150)

semantic notes

‘To inform about someone’s (ḷe-) death’ (a)

‘To inform someone (direct object) about someone’s (be-) death’ (b)
