ʸhéned or ʸhénod (yeʸhέnod or yeʸhóned/ľihnέd)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia or Ib)

to feel sleepy
ощущать сонливость
اراد ان ينام
LS 145; Naumkin et al. 2022:273
текстовые примеры

ḷaḷ yeʸhέnod ḥéyhi waľľa aḷ-šérɛy dέmi ŝóunɛ ˁeʸh tóˀo yeftɛrírin ‘When a person is sleepy or did not have enough sleep you can see him yawn’ (field notes)

семантические примечания

In the perfect, the type Ib verb is said to be usually associated with the transferred meaning ‘to be negligent, to neglect one’s duties’:

ḷaḷ néṭbeb ṭad yenáfaˁ nέfaˁ wa-ḷaṭ aḷ-yenáfaˁš tóˀo ṭíbɛb naˁámer hiš ʸhéned deʰ ˁag di-boḳ yaˁágob dέhɛr ľiṣˁóḳ ˁeʸh ‘If we assign a task to someone to be done, and then he does not do it as it was entrusted to him, we say about him: this man is sleepy, he always needs to be yelled at’ (field notes)


The origin of proto-MSA *hnd ‘to feel drowsy, sleepy’ is uncertain, see Kogan 2015:557.

континентальные СЮЯ
  • Mhr. hōnəd to feel drowsy, sleepy
  • Jib. ohúnd to feel drowsy, sleepy