Soqotri Lexicon
megˁeḷéḷoʰ (du. megˁeḷeḷóti, pl. megˁeḷheḷéten)
basic morphological information
n. (f.)
hand-mill consisting of two separate stones
ручная мельница из двух камней
حجر تُطحَن به الحبوب
ручная мельница из двух камней
حجر تُطحَن به الحبوب
text examples
a. záˁayk bámbeʰ wa-ṭáḥank be-megˁeḷéḷoʰ ˁaf téṭḳeḳ ‘I took some millet and ground it with millstones until it became flour’ (CSOL II 20:13)
b. éḳdomk ˁážeʰ di-teṭáḥan šᵉˁer wa-ˀaḷ-gibóˀoʰ ˁámok hes tenéḥiz béne megˁeḷéḷoʰ kor yešṭáḥan ‘I saw a woman who was grinding barley, but she could not do it properly. I told her: “Apply your effort to the grinding stone continuously, so that it (the barley) becomes well ground”’ (Bulakh 2024:176)
other notes
A hand-mill consisting of two separate stones, a larger, flat, slightly concave one beneath, and a smaller, circular one above that two women roll over grain. The rotating hand-mill (i.e., two slabs on an axis) is called rᵉḥa.
- gáˁḷhaḷ 1. round; 2. well-shaped, pretty
- egˁáyľiľ or egˁíľiľ to roll