Soqotri Lexicon
gáˁḷhaḷ (du. gaˁḷáḷi, pl. gaˁḷéḷhon, f. gáˁľheľ, du. gaˁľíľi, pl. goˁóľhiľ)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. ri gáˁḷḥaḷ ‘a round head’ (Kogan 2015:516).
b. márḳaḥ gáˁḷḥaḷ ‘a round stick (round in section)’ (Kogan 2015:516).
2. wa-ˀéḳdem ṭey férhim ḥaʰ šábbaʰ gáˁľheľ ‘But one day he saw a girl, a pretty young girl.’ (CSOL I 17:4)
semantic notes
The adjective gáˁḷḥaḷ can only be used about spherical objects (1a) and those round in section (1b). It cannot be applied to flat objects, which are described by the Arabic loanword medáwwar. (Kogan 2015:516).
other notes
gáˁľheľ ‘round stone’:
wa-ˀégnonk id-ḥóʸhi wa-ḥéraṭk gáˁľheľ di-ˁáḷho ‘Then I leaned down and picked up a nice round stone’ (CSOL I 17:13)
- megˁeḷéḷoʰ hand-mill consisting of two separate stones
- egˁáyľiľ or egˁíľiľ to roll
PWS *ˁgl/gˁl to be circular, round, to roll