fer (yéfrer/ľifrέr)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

1. to fly; 2. to jump
летать; прыгать
LS 342; CSOL I 537; CSOL II 458
text examples

1a. tóˀo féroʰ ḷe-ˁarɛ́beʰ ḳö́ṣad merḥíyoʰ díˀʸheʰ ḷe-fáˁhɛr ‘And as she jumped, he cut the rope on his bulľ (CSOL I 8:51);

1b. néḥe be-meskídoʰ wa-toˁómer ˁes fḥam kor yéfrer múgšem be-ṣírhɛr ‘Heat the stone circumcision bench, put glowing embers on it so that the boy jumps in pain’ (CSOL II 8:29);

2. ḷaḷ yébded ŝiyáṭ yéfrer ‘When it (the horn) feels fire, it will break into pieces’ (Bulakh 2024:199).

semantic notes

‘To break into pieces’: example 2.

Proto-MSA *prr to fly
continental MSA
  • Mhr. fər to fly, jump up; to flee
  • Jib. ferr to fly, to flee