fɛr (du. fέri, pl. fírod)
basic morphological information

n. (f)

side, edge of a cloth
край ткани
طرف الثوب
CSOL I 536; CSOL II 457
text examples

ṭáhɛrk wa-kések ḥaḷóḷeʰ wa-ˁö́faẓ̂k tos be-fɛr di-ɣátraʰ kor eḳásem díˀʸho ˁougénoʰ ‘I went and found a date. I wrapped it up in the side of my turban to give to my daughter as a present’ (CSOL I 18:3)


Naumkin et al. 2016b:68-69 (PS *prd 'to divide, to separate').