базовые морфологические сведения


جزء، بعض
LS 339; CSOL I 534; CSOL II 455
текстовые примеры

a. fáḳḥe di-ḥteʰ ḳéḷom náṣar di-yéŝkek ˁaf yeṣóḥor tho de ˁag di-ḥa nuṣṣ aľ-ľayľ ‘In the middle of the night I felt a severe pain in my cheek, which hurt until this man here (who was there then) cauterized me, in the middle of the night’ (CSOL I 18:35);

b. wa-ˀérem faḳḥ di-megɔ́še ˁémer kéľhɛm wa-ˀaḷ-nágaḥu ‘Several boys made vows but did not fulfill them’ (CSOL I 2:6);

c. naˁámer be-saḳɔ́ṭri dénob di-ḳíṣaf fáḥre wa-ľa mey faḳḥ máˁšeľ wa-naˀáḳaš di-máˁšeľ dénob ke-bᵉˁer wa-ke-éľľehe wa-ke-tɛ́ˀɛ wa-ke-ˀóˀoz ‘In Soqotri, we call a tail which has been completely or partly torn away máˁšeľ. This can describe a camel, cow, sheep or goat’ (CSOL I 17:29);

d. wa-tóˀo éraḥ faḳḥ di-ḥaḷf kése έˀɛfo ŝeybóbhon di-yešmέteḷ ṭahedédšen ‘Midway along the road, he met a few old men who were talking amongst themselves’ (CSOL I 19:33)

семантические примечания

‘Some of’: see example b; ‘part, half’: see example c; ‘middle’: see example d.
fáḳḥe in fáḳḥe di-ḥteʰ ‘in the middle of the night’: see example a.


Proto-MSA *paḳḥ- half
континентальные СЮЯ