fáḳam (du. fáḳmi, pl. fíḳhom)
basic morphological information

n. (m)

lower jaw
нижняя челюсть
الفك السفلي
LS 340; CSOL I 534
text examples

néfog ŝɛ́hɛr wa-ṭad ḥéḷef wa-ʸheʰ ˁad ḷe-beḷbɛ́ḷe ˁö́ḳaḷ fáḳam be-ḥóyhi yéḥes be-di-ˀídi ‘A new moon appears, another follows, and yet it still bleats. It lowers its jaw to the ground, pawing with its front legs’ (CSOL I 13:5)

other notes

Cf. féḳam ‘to open your mouth’.

PCS *pVḳVm- (animal's) mouth, muzzle