béde (yebóde/ľibdέ)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ib)

to begin
LS 81; CSOL I 511; CSOL II 428-429; Naumkin et al. 2016a:51
текстовые примеры

a. mébrehe ḷaḷ yebóde yeḥobíˀin yedáḥdaḥ ‘When a small child starts to crawl, he tumbles over’ (CSOL II 2:6)

b. si fɔ́ne έter aḷ-yebóde be-darṣ kaḷ be-ˁamb wa-míˀḥo ṣábrɛhɛr ‘Before, Eter would not start with the abomasum but with the lung and the intestines, the sour bits!’ (CSOL II 30:13)


морфологические примечания

perfect 3 sg. f. bidóˀoʰ

семантические примечания

‘To begin to do something’ (a)

‘To start with (be-)’ (b) 

‘To do something at first’: ˁö́mor énhi eṭáf ˁek daráhem kéľľama ḳáḷaˁk deʰ kob di-boḳ be-ˀóˀoben ˁámok heʸh hábe ˁö́mor tebóde óteˀš ‘He said to me: “I will give you money if you manage to break that glass by throwing a stone.” I said: “Give me (the money)!” He said: “First hit it!”’ (CSOL II 1:140)
