Soqotri Lexicon
(3 sg. f.) béˁe (tö́baˁ/tebˁá)
basic morphological information
text examples
ṭahɛrέtoʰ tšegéŝoʰ stɛ éľľehe wa-téšfet wa-tέˀɛʰ stɛ wa-tö́baˁ stɛ wa-tö́baˁ stɛ wa-tö́baˁ ‘Two of them, a cow and a sheep, went grazing. And the cow was eating quickly, whereas the sheep ate and bleated, ate and bleated, ate and bleated’ (CSOL II 22:1)
semantic notes
Only feminine forms were elicited from the informants. (Naumkin et al. 2016a:46, fn. 16)