ébˁe (yebóˁi/ľóbiˁ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

to make a newborn animal suckle a female animal which is not his mother (together or not with its real mother)
прикладывать новорожденного козленка или теленка к самке, не являющейся его матерью (или к двум маткам попеременно)
الحق صغير الحيوان بأمٍّ ليست بأمّه للرضاعة
CSOL I 510; CSOL II 428; Naumkin et al. 2013a:69
الأمثلة النصية

a. wa-bóˁiš ḷe-ˀéľľehe diyáḥŝes wa-nɛ́doḳ heʸh ľaˁdɛ́g díˀʸheʰ éˀḷoʸh kɛ́ˀľi ‘Set the calf with another cow in addition to its mother, and let it suckle at both’ (CSOL I 8:17) 

b. tóˀo ˁiggɛ́toʰ ṣö́ḷob men ṭeʸh wa-ʸheʰ ebˁéʸhi ṭad ḷe-ˁífef ‘When they gave birth, he slaughtered the kid of one and had both she-goats nurse the remaining kid’ (CSOL I 2:31)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To make a newborn (direct object) suck a female (ḷe-)’ (a)
‘To make a female (direct object) suckle a newborn (ḷe-)’ (b)

االشتياق اللغوي

With Naumkin et al. 2013:69, to be compared to Mhr. hebō ‘to caress an animaľs teats with the fingers or gentle words to coax it into giving milk’ and Jibbali ebˁé ‘to caress an animaľs teats with the fingers or gentle words to coax it into giving milk’, as well as Tgr. ˀatbaˁa ‘to cause a cow to care for her calf’, beˁay ‘a cow that rejects her calf’.