المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

LS 80; CSOL I 508; CSOL II 425
الأمثلة النصية

ˁö́ṣamk ḷe-fɛ́ri di-naḳf wa-ˀérkobk ḷe-ṭádaˁ di-ḥumár wa-ho ḳáṣik wa-ḷaṭ érkobk di-naḳf díˀʸho bɛ́ˀi ‘I bound together two sides of a piece of cloth and put it on a donkey. Then I cut off some date clusters and put them into the cloth’ (CSOL I 18:3)

االشتياق اللغوي

It is tempting to compare the Soqotri word to Hbr. beˀūšīm ‘sour, unripe berries’, presumably going back to PS *bˀš ‘to be bad, rotten’. That would imply that the Auslaut of the Soqotri word features -h < *š (bέˀih). From the semantic point of view, it is significant that, while in the speech of our language consulants, bέˀi is used as a general term for dates, the Vienna corpus it is systematically translated as ‘halbreife Datteln’ (Müller 1905:120 = بسرة).