ˁérof (yeˁóref/ľaˁrέf)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia)

to scoop
LS 328; CSOL I 496; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:552-553; Naumkin et al. 2016b:60
текстовые примеры

a. gedóḥo ḷe-méṭreʰ wa-ˁerɛ́foʰ díˀseʰ di-ḳáŝˁer ‘She came, at dawn, and started to pour water (from the water-spring) into her skin’ (CSOL I 7:4)

b. ksek fóti di-téber meʸh faḳḥ wa-záˁak toʸh wa-ˁérofk hes men ḳáne di-ḳat ḥoz di-ʸhóbiˁ marrát ‘I found a broken clay pot. I took it and drew with it (some water) for her (for the cow), seven times’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:552553)

c. ˁámok inέm dέnˁaʰ di-be-sferíyyeʰ ˁímɛr šúrbaʰ ... wa-ˁírɛf énhi ‘I asked: “What is there in the pan?” They said: “It is a soup”... And they poured it for me’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:553)


From PWS *γrp ‘to scoop, to fetch water’.