ˁen (yáˁnen/ľaˁnέn)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to pull
LS 317; CSOL I 495; CSOL II 413; Naumkin et al. 2013b:553
text examples

a. wa-ˁö́ṣam ṣáľeḥ ḷe-menŝíˁoʰ di-mḥámmad wa-ḷaṭ ˁen ˁaf tenáḳaˁ atéḳaṭ ‘Then Saleh wrapped a cord around Muhammad’s toe, and yanked it so hard that it cracked. Then he woke up’ (CSOL I 22:33) 

b. ṭáhɛrk be-díˀʸho siyáraʰ tóˀo éraḥk gáḥi ġarázt wa-gedóḥoʰ ḳaľľáb wa-ˁénoʰ fe di-tέr ‘I went in my car and reached a wadi, then I got stuck and a tip wagon came and pulled me out’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:553) 

morphological notes

pass. ˁínɛn (yeˁúnon/ľiˁnón)

semantic notes

‘To pull somebody/something (be-)’ (b)


Also in Mhr. ˀen ‘to tug unsuccessfully at something heavy or firmly fixed’. With Leslau (LS 317), to be further compared to Arb. ˁnn ‘to pull the rein of one’s beast’.