Soqotri Lexicon
ˁen (yáˁnen/ľaˁnέn)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. wa-ˁö́ṣam ṣáľeḥ ḷe-menŝíˁoʰ di-mḥámmad wa-ḷaṭ ˁen ˁaf tenáḳaˁ atéḳaṭ ‘Then Saleh wrapped a cord around Muhammad’s toe, and yanked it so hard that it cracked. Then he woke up’ (CSOL I 22:33)
b. ṭáhɛrk be-díˀʸho siyáraʰ tóˀo éraḥk gáḥi ġarázt wa-gedóḥoʰ ḳaľľáb wa-ˁénoʰ fe di-tέr ‘I went in my car and reached a wadi, then I got stuck and a tip wagon came and pulled me out’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:553)
morphological notes
pass. ˁínɛn (yeˁúnon/ľiˁnón)
semantic notes
‘To pull somebody/something (be-)’ (b)