المعجم السقطري
ˁéḷom (yеˁóḷеm/ľaˁḷέm)
الأمثلة النصية
wa-méyki di-fte ˁóuḷom fíˀoʰ be-ˀemtérek ‘Whoever loses (in the game) will get his face smeared with soot’ (CSOL I I 17:9)
الملاحظات الصرفية
pass. ˁíľɛm (yеˁóuḷom/ľaˁḷóm)
- ˁaḷm branding
االشتياق اللغوي
Borrowed from Arb. ˁlm ‘to mark’ (Lane 2139). The same borrowing took place in Mhr. ˀālōm ‘to brand, to make a mark’, Jib. ˁólúm ‘to mark, to brand’, Gez. ˁallama ‘to write, to seal; to make a sign, to mark’ and elsewhere in Ethiopian Semitic.
Cf. unadapted Arabisms in the root ˁlm 2 (Arabic).