Сокотрийский словарь
ˁéber (yeˁábor/ľaˁbór)
текстовые примеры
a. wa-ḳarére aḷ-ˁak teˁábor bes teŝtéde béne ‘And on the next day you will not be able to see with it (the eye), for it will be severely inflamed’ (CSOL I 30:10)
b. édofk ẓ̂áˁreʰ di-ṣáḳareʰ wa-ḳáḷaˁk bes di-ˁáyni di-ˁag ˁaf aḷ-ˁad yaˁábor ‘I took a handful of dust and threw it into the eyes of a man so that he could not see’ (Naumkin et al. 2013a:83)
c. aḷ-ˁéber ŝéyob yežáḥžaḥ be-ˀíbraʰ men ŝeb id-ŝeb ‘He (the doctor) could not see the veins, but was hitting with the needle at random from one vein to another’ (Bulakh 2024:131)
- ˁotéber or ˁatébɛr to watch, to look at
- ˁibhέre- in front of
- ˁóber side