v. (VIII)
a. ˁö́mor téṣtit karámme aḷ-ḳeḷéˁeš be-ˀö́bhon taˁtíbir wa-ˁatébroʰ wa-ˀeḳdémoʰ ḷe-díˀseʰ ˁag wa-bíľeʰ díˀʸheʰ be-ˀídi ‘He said: “Now you’ll see if he doesn’t stone you. Look!” She looked up and saw her husband, and there was something in his hands’ (CSOL I 5:36-37)
b. náˁaʰ ľheʰ ˁeyyúg taˁtebérʸhen keľľama aḷ-maˁḷúb šahadáthum ṣaḥíḥaʰ ‘Now, look at these men: if none are castrated, then their testimony is true’ (CSOL I 1:47)
c. ézˁomk be-ḥarf wa-ˀaˁtébor men óˀoz di-ˀáˁyeg ‘I was sitting on a mountain slope and looking for a goat which was about to give birth’ (CSOL I 18:19)
d. ˁéyyek ḷaˁtébɛr díˀɛʰ ˁážeʰ ‘I would like to see your wife’ (CSOL I 1:56)
‘To look’ (no complement) (a).
‘To look at somebody (direct object/object pronoun)’ (b).
‘To look for somebody/something (men)’ (c).