ẓ̂aˁ (yaˀáẓ̂aˁ/ľáẓ̂aˁ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

to catch up
لحق بـ
LS 361; CSOL I 483; CSOL II 399
الأمثلة النصية

a. kéľľama ẓ̂óˁotk kobk arẓ̂ ‘If she seizes you, she makes you enter the Earth’ (CSOL II 18:9)

b. nέhɛrk ḷe-míˀšer be-kɛndhíyoʰ di-ḥíghɛḷ yenázaˁ teľḥáḳ ˁeʸh ˁasέ taˀáẓ̂aˁš be-ˁed ‘I passed by a billy-goat gasping in pain by the stones around the bottom of a palm-tree. Try to catch it, perhaps you’ll still find it alive’ (CSOL II 30:20)

االشتياق اللغوي

No etymology detected.