المعجم السقطري
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. érhon ˁaf ḷaḷ áˁyeg keʰ déḷeḳ médkor ˁan nuṣṣ naˁámer hésen ḥᵃṭer ‘When our goats give birth and more than half of the offspring are male, we say regarding these goats: ḥᵃṭer’ (CSOL I 1:11)
b. aˁágob men di-ḥorf tɔ́mer wa-men ṣéreb eróne wa-keʰ ẓ̂erɛ́bot rénhem aˁágob ˁag mešáˁrik ‘I like dates in autumn, and goats in spring, and when the sea is calm I like the fisherman’ (CSOL I 13:5)
الملاحظات الصرفية
Suppletive plural of óˀoz. Agreement for plural feminine or singular feminine.
Poetic form eróne (b).
االشتياق اللغوي
From Proto-MSA *ˀirān- ‘goats’.