gem (yegóm/ľágεm)
basic morphological information

v. (IV)

to join, to put together, to assemble
соединять, собирать
CSOL II 382; Naumkin et al. 2013a:81; Naumkin et al. 2016b:73; Bulakh 2024:190
text examples

a. ékobk di-ḳáneʰ di-ˀiḫtibár wa-ŝínik ásˀiľaʰ di-ˁíẓ̂oʰ hέben aˁábor díˀʸho wáraḳaʰ ḫáľiyaʰ ˁámok ḷóˀo aḷ-ˀaˁámer bíľeʰ di-ḳáneʰ di-wáraḳaʰ ˁasέ bɛ egóm faḳḥ ‘I came to the examination and saw the questions wete hard. I was about to turn in an empty sheet of paper, but then I said to myself: “Why don’t I put down something on the paper? What if I guess at least part of them correctly?”’ (used about “accumulating” correct answers in a test) (CSOL II 30:20bis)

b. bóhod énhi énṭen ˁaf ḷέgɛm daráhem wa-ḷaṭ etóger ‘Wait a bit until I accumulate some money, then I will buy (a house)’ (Naumkin et al. 2016b:73)

c. bónik béstan wa-gomk toʸh díˀʸho di-béstan deʰ ḳadím ‘I built a palm grove and joined it to another palm grove of mine, one that was built before’ (Naumkin et al. 2016b:73)


Comes close to Arb. ǯmm ‘to be abundant, to be full, filled; to be collected (water in a well)’.