édaḳ (yóudaḳ/ľidáḳ)
basic morphological information

v. (Ib)

to be heavy
быть тяжёлым
LS 54; CSOL I 465; CSOL II 379
text examples

zénokk ˁábher ke-ˁéyyog wa-ˀíˁbɛr ḥe meṣrέreʰ di-ˀidáḳoʰ ˁaf hέben tegášaḷ ménhi di-máˁazhɛḷ ‘I was carrying a tree-trunk with some other men, and the shoulder pole that was given me was so heavy that it almost broke my neck’ (CSOL I 2:50)

morphological notes

perfect 3 sg. f. idáḳoʰ


Perhaps related to PWS *wdḳ ‘to falľ represented by Arb. wdq ‘to fall in drops’, Sab. wdḳ ‘to fall, to collapse’, Gez. wadḳa ‘to fall down, to collapse, to sink’. The semantic shift ‘to be heavy’ > ‘to falľ is conceivable. Leslau (LS 54) compares Targum Aramaic ˀdḳ ‘to be fastened, to stick’, semantically rather remote.