نَتْفٞسُو (أو) نَتٞافْسُو
(3 sg. f.) nɛtfᵉsóʰ or nɛtéfsoʰ (téntfos/tentfέs or tentéfɛs)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (VIII)

to be relieved (impersonal)
أراحته الدنيا
LS 271; Bulakh 2024:173
الأمثلة النصية

a. óˀoz še di-ˀaḷ-nɛtfsóʰ ˁes kor áˁyeg ṣódikk ˁãs be-trɔ ḳáḥfi wa-ho béḷokk fɔ́ne ḷe-ˁag di-yeˁáygin bess tóˀo gédaḥ ˁag kséˀes nɛtfᵉsóʰ ˁes wa-ˁíggoʰ wa-ˁámor ŝínkɛk áḷḷaʰ ber íno šek órem wa-ḥíľeʰ ‘A goat of mine could not give birth. I gave alms for her sake, two measures (of rice or some other food). And even before this, I had sent for a man who helps goats to give birth. However, when the man came, he found that the goat was already relieved and gave birth. And the man said: “Thank you, God, for you have your way and your tricks”’ (Bulakh 2024:173)

b. gedóḥoʰ tho ˁážeʰ di-derö́ˁoʰ kendáraʰ di-kifέdoʰ ˁes ˁámok hɛy inέm dέnˁaʰ ˁemέroʰ énhi aḷ-nefóˁoʰ énhi maḳáṭṭaˁaʰ suwá náˁaʰ nέtir énhi keʰ kaḷš ˁámok hes náḳif enḳéfoʰ wa-éntork hes wa-ḷaṭ deróˁoʰ wa-ˁemέroʰ aḥáḥ ˁad nɛtéfsoʰ énhi náˁaʰ wa-šézˁem énhi súwa ľiľέ beš áḷḷaʰ ‘A woman came to me who was wearing a dress which was too tight for her. I told her: “Hey, what is this?” She told me: “The seamstress did not make the dress well. Now could you please widen it?” I told her: “Take it off”. She took it off, and I widened it for her, and then she put it on and said: “Oh, how nice! Now I can breathe freely and I can sit comfortably. God keep you!’” (Bulakh 2024:173)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

This is an impersonal verb used in 3 sg. f. only with the semantic subject introduced through ḷe- (see examples).

  • énfes to widen, to make large