ˁatébaḷ (yaˁtéboḷ or yaˁtebíľin/ľaˁtébɛḷ)
basic morphological information

v. (VIII)

to be repaired
быть исправленным, отремонтированным, ремонтироваться
Bulakh 2024:140
text examples

a. kse tho ˁag menaḷ oˀóbíľin ṭad ŝérhi di-natébaˁ wa-ˁámor ˁóbiľk bíľeʰ di-ˀaḷ-taˁtebíľin ˁámok ˁasέ yetˁábeľ wa-ˁóbiľk toʸh wa-teˁábeľ daḥk toʸh di-ḳáˁar kor yéken be-behɛľénoʰ ‘A man came to me when I was repairing a skin which was torn. He told me: “You are repairing a thing which cannot be repaired”. I said: “Perhaps it can be fixed”. And I did repair it, and it became fine. Then I took it into the house to be used for something (for some domestic use)’ (Bulakh 2024:140) 


The verb is obviously an adapted form of the Arabism teˁábeľ (whose imperfect yetˁábeľ is used in the example a above side by side with ˁatébaľ as its full synonym). While no exact source of borrowing has been detected either in Classical Arabic or in the Yemenite dialects, note, in the latter,ˁiblaʰ ‘process of resharpening or renewing a used agricultural instrument’ and ˁabbāl ‘a smith whose production is limited to agricultural implements’ (Piamenta:315, cf. also Behnstedt:799) (Bulakh 2024:140)