Soqotri Lexicon
ˁotédeb (yaˁṭédob/ľaˁtédɛb)
basic morphological information
v. (VIII)
to be distressed, to be pestered (by somebody)
быть расстроенным, быть донимаемым (кем-то)
كان مكروبًا، كان متضايقًا، تعذّب
LS 298; Bulakh 2024:102
быть расстроенным, быть донимаемым (кем-то)
كان مكروبًا، كان متضايقًا، تعذّب
text examples
a. ŝínik ˁážeʰ tóˀo ˁatédboʰ men nέfaˁ bíŝi heʸh kᵉre ‘I saw a woman who was distressed by excessive work without end’ (Bulakh 2024:102)
b. ˁotédeb meʸh díˀʸheʰ emboríyeʰ ‘His children were distressed by him’ (Bulakh 2024:102)
semantic notes
‘To be pestered, distressed by something/someone (men)’ (a, b)
- ˁódib to pester, to wear (with problems, difficulties)
- meˁédeb wearing
- meˁedéboʰ problem, difficulty
- ˁedhebéten harm
- taˁdíboʰ disturbance, trouble