المعجم السقطري
rokt (du. rókti, pl. érkot)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
n. (m.)
1. skin on the sole of foot; 2. camel's hoof
1. кожа на ступне; 2. верблюжье копыто
الجلد على باطن القدم؛ خُفّ الجمل
Simeone-Senelle–Lonnet 1988-1989:231; Simeone-Senelle–Lonnet 1991:1469; Belozerova et al. 2023:569
1. кожа на ступне; 2. верблюжье копыто
الجلد على باطن القدم؛ خُفّ الجمل
الأمثلة النصية
a. ḷaḷ róukot tɔ́mer róukot be-ˀérkot di-ŝérhon ‘When dates are trampled, they are trampled with the sole of the foot’ (Belozerova et al. 2023:569)
b. wa-ʸheʰ fɔ́ne aḷ-tegóser tkeľέ ˁeʸh éˀed ˁar ˁíẓ̂oʰ meʸh gɛlídoʰ kánoʰ tóˀo rokt di-ŝɔb wa-meʸh ṭaʸh di-ṭoḥórhir ‘Before that, one could not touch him by hand because his skin was rough, it was like the skin on the sole of one’s foot, and his smell was that of wild goats’ (Belozerova et al. 2023:564)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
The term designates the rough skin on the sole of one’s foot (or, metonymically, the sole itself) (Belozerova et al. 2023:569)
االشتياق اللغوي
Proto-MSA *rkt to step, to tread