tέgimk daráhem kor etóger siyára wa-ľáken daráhem ˁeẓ̂ yaˁágob di-yéľoy aḷ-yeˁágob ḥéyhe menšót wa-ḷaṭ aḷ-ˀɛtégɛm énhi kor etóger siyára kέrhen etóger sέkiḷ an-nar ˁámok hat bíḷe men bíŝi ‘I was putting aside some money to buy a car. However, money is a difficult matter, it likes a person who keeps it and it does not like a person prone to wasting it. So I did not manage to collect enough (money) to buy a car. I hardly managed to collect enough to buy a motorbike. I said: “Better to have something than nothing”’ (Bulakh 2024:189)
May be used with the meaning ‘to go well, to go smoothly, to be done in an easy way’ (apparently a semantic development from ‘to be put together’): tóˀo ṭáhɛrk kor enáfaˁ náfaˁk nɔ́fin zerebéno ḳíno wa-tétek tos ṭey be-yom wa-ˀɛtégɛm énhi díˀʸho nɛfaˁ físaˁ ‘When I went to work I arranged a small enclosed garden for myself. I finished the work in one day, and my workwent smoothly for me, and was finished quickly’ (Bulakh 2024:189)
- gem to join, to put together, to assemble