a. tédɛf di-kɔn ḷe-ḥa men ṭoḳ ˁímɛr gemeḷéno ḷe-taˁʸhífin wa-ˀotédef mes έˀɛfo men dέfɛ id-dέfɛ wa-men ḥaḷf di-ḥaḷf wa-ŝi mes aḷ-ksö́we ˁaf déžen yómen ódif mes baˁs wa-šégre men ˁö́bhor di-ˁö́bhor wa-díˀʸhe ḷe-tédɛf menaḷ ˁad yetédof kséˀes be-ḳáne di-ˁö́bhor báˁad-ˀaḷ šáṭi ṭay di-fouténo ‘There was searching here and there, (because) it was said that a little she-camel may have got lost. People were looking for her from one area to another and from one place to another, but no trace of her was found. Next day, her owner tried to find her, looking for her in the wells (in the area). In the course of his searching, while he was looking for her, he found her in one of the wells, after he smelled the smell of her corpse’ (Bulakh 2024:188)
b. otéreˁ bérho be-tɛr wa-bíŝi di-ˀɛziˀíʸhen otédef beṭahidídšin wa-ḳéref ḷe-nhɔ́fšen šíme wa-méˁed yerö́ḳeḥ ˁáyni (di-)ṭahididšin ‘A few children were fighting outside, and there was nobody to separate them. They fought each other and threw sand at each other, and almost tore each other’s eyes’ (Bulakh 2024:188