šérem or šéˀrem (yešérem or yešˀέrom//ľišérɛm or ľišέˀrɛm)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (X)

to be soaked in a mixture of ashes and water (a skin prepared for tanning)
быть замоченным в растворе золы и воды (о коже, подготовленной к дублению)
نُقِعَ في خليط من الماء والرماد (جلدٌ مُعَدٌّ للدباغة)
текстовые примеры

ḷaḷ nóurom ŝírhi ˁúmor rímid id-ḳáne wa-rího wa-ḷaṭ yóuḷɛ ˁey ḷe-ḥeʰ  wa-ḷe-ḥánžeher wa-ḷe-ṣabˁíľi wa-ḷaṭ ḷóudok men ḥaʰ ˁaf ľikέb rímid súwa kor yešérem ŝírhi wa-ḷa emhedéden biš énṭe wa-ḷa ṭóurof yeˁóuḳaḷ be-mihľóˁo wa-ḷaṭ móuḷaṭ  ‘When we prepare a skin for tanning, a mixture of ashes and water is put inside. A person gathers in his hand the lower orifice, upper orifice and the two hind legs and beats the skin until the ashes are thoroughly absorbed into the skin, which is then ready for tanning. Then one stretches it out a bit, then re-folds it and puts it in the shade. The next day, one plucks the hair from it’ (CSOL III 5:48)

  • érom to steep leather into a mixture of water and ashes before tanning
  • írim or írhim steeping leather before tanning